Sunday, December 18, 2011

Improve Your Looks By At Least Two Points

"Improve Your Looks By At Least Two Points"

Believe it or not, you don’t have to have the good looks of a movie star to get women. Women are turned on more by masculine traits and personality rather than just looks alone. But this doesn’t mean you that you can let your appearance go. Maybe I am stating the obvious here, but there are guys out there who are clueless about looking after their personal appearance. I happen to know a few.

Here are a few suggestions that will improve you appearance:

1.) The basics. Body stench isn’t sexy. Bathe everyday because you never know when you might meet that special someone. A bath isn’t enough, use deodorants and aftershaves. Wear a good-quality cologne, but avoid using too much. Overpowering her with cologne won’t work.

Always keep your clothing clean. It’s not enough that it looks clean, it has to be frequently washed. The reason is that unwashed clothing smells bad from bacterial action on body oils trapped within the fabric. Since you’re wearing the clothing all of the time, you won’t be aware of the smell. Others are. Trust me.

2.) If you’ve got muscles, a hairless body will show a lot more definition. It’s no accident that body builders shave their hair off their bodies when they do their competitions.

3.) Keep the nose and ear hair under control.

4.) Stay physically fit. This will improve your appearance, your posture, your complexion and will increase your self esteem. Athletes have a more confident looking stride.

5.) If your skin looks gray and tired, you should eat a balanced diet, take vitamins, and drink at least two liters of water a day.

6.) If you’re going for the clean shaven look, then shave every day. Have a beard? Keep it well trimmed. A 5 o’clock shadow should be consistent. If it’s uneven and scraggly, then give it up and shave it off.

7.) Keep your hair clean and dandruff free. Go to a good hair stylist and ask what type of style looks best for you. Follow their advice on maintenance. This one change alone will have a dramatic effect on your appearance.

8.) Good clothing is important. Always wear clothing that’s appropriate for the occasion. Have a wardrobe of stylish clothing. Style is more important than quantity and a good fit is a must. Don’t forget the shoes. Women have a thing about stylish shoes.

9.) Even your glasses is a chance to show your style. If nothing looks good on you, then go with contacts.

10.) A smile makes you more attractive looking. And women are turned on by a confident smile. Having clean healthy teeth will also go a long way in improving your smile.

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