Sunday, January 8, 2012



Being in love is more like wedding rings in terms of assurance and commitment. A wedding ring is also a form of assurance except that it comes with different conditions.

A wedding ring symbolizes a start of a family. So basically you are assuring each other that you are starting a family together. A wedding ring has also a time limit: death.

As the saying goes: ‘til death do us apart’. So for a marriage to work, it needs both assurances: ‘being in love’ and ‘wedding ring’. Some cultures don’t wear wedding rings on their finger but they do have things similar to a wedding ring and that plays the same role of a wedding ring.

A marriage cannot work without the couple being in love. A marriage built on false love is doomed to fail. Being in love gives the guarantee that you will be nice to your partner and the wedding ring gives a guarantee to your partner that you will start a family together. Starting a family together doesn’t necessarily mean raising children. You can raise dogs, cats etc together. Starting a family simply means turning your house into a home.

Now, there are a lot of people who are married but not in love. Marriage has taken a whole new level nowadays. People marry not for all the right reasons. To some, it is financial security, to other’s it is to be accepted in society and to others it is a cliché and some marry because they just don’t have anything better to do.

There are still a lot of people who marry for the right reasons and are in love with each other. People who marry, and are not in love and later have kids, end up raising kids with psychological problems. These kids end up growing to be serial killers, rapists, armed robbers etc. Hate begets hate. A tree of love produces fruits of love.

If you plant a mango tree, a mango tree will grow. If you raise a loving kid, a loving kid will grow. If you raise a kid in a house without love, a man with hatred will be produced.

Parents nowadays tell their kids to stand up for themselves and not to listen to anyone. Thus the kids block themselves from the words of wisdom because they are told from an early age not to listen to anyone.

School kids won’t even listen to their teachers. Parents won’t even give their kids advice on how to be a good citizen. They won’t bother to raise their kids to be respectable people in society. They have given up their parental role to the media, TV stations and radio stations.

When parents are forsaking their parental roles, they are no longer raising children but killers.

This will soon be a world of killers unless parents wake up and start doing their job of raising better, respectable, smart kids.

In order to do so, you need to raise kids in a loving environment, in a home full of love and not hate, in a marriage based on being in love.