Love Guru Tips

How to Get Over Your Boyfriend

Breaking up in any romantic relationship is challenging and especially when your breakup is with your boyfriend is tough to get over your ex from your heart and soul. Everything all-around you is meaningless and the only solace only is when you might be isolated from the world around you which keeps reminding you of him.

The most effective way to get him out of your mind is to face the facts honestly. You can never get over your ex by keeping him out of your thoughts. You need to look at his thoughts right in the eye and access your feelings. Slowly see how considerably he has occupied your life, accept the emptiness he has left behind. See how liberated you seem now after he left. You will probably be surprised that life itself was a great misery when you both were together. Fear of breakup would have driven you crazy and also you have compromised quite a few times just to create it work for you both. However you might be a free bird that has dropped all bondage and is free now.


"How To Get Your Ex boyfriend Back: 7 Secrets To Get Him Back Quickly"

Don’t only find ways on how to get your ex boyfriend back, work on it and do it…fast! Hang on the 7 secrets, more so, special tactics on how to get him back as fast as possible.

1. Fix Yourself…Then The Relationship…Step#1 To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back

From the very first day you have parted ways with your partner, you will certainly feel miserable and hopeless. This will be a normal reaction to all the negative events in your break up. You must remove the feeling of self pity and remorse for what had transpired. After crying a little, get up and restore your energy. Go out and jog, shop, attend yoga classes and mingle with your group of society. Attend parties and reunions that will bring back your liveliness Read More>>>>

"How to Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back – Five Helpful Tips to Win Him Back (Part2)"

Breaking up with your guy is the hardest part of being in a relationship and obviously you will want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back (Part1 To Know Rest 7 points hit this link).What’s even worse is if he was the one who broke up with you even if you don’t want to.Whatever his reasons for ending the relationship are, giving up is never an option especially if you really love the guy. And although it’s difficult to say whether the relationship can still be fixed or not, there’s really nothing wrong with trying to win him back. Who knows, you might just do with the following helpful tips to get your ex boyfriend back. Read More>>>

"What To Talk About On A First Date"

When you’re on a first date, it’s easy to get all caught up in demonstrating, what a fine, strapping male you are. Don’t forget that you’re also evaluating her worthiness as well.
One important thing that you must know about your date is compatibility. If your interest is establishing a long term relationship, then there has to be something that the two of you are on the same page about.
A previous post discussed how to keep conversation flowing on a first date by being focused on and remembering interesting and unusual things that she happens to say. Read More>>>>


"First Date Conversations – How To Keep It Flowing"

A lot of people are shy about meeting new people. Add to this the normal discomfort that people feel on their first dates and it’s easy to see why keeping the conversation flowing on your first date can be a real challenge. Here’s a few pointers to help with this:

1.) Focus and remember. At the beginning when she’s talking about some general things about herself such as her interests, likes, dislikes, etc, you need to focus on and remember anything said that was unusual or that she had strong feelings about.  Read More >>>>


"Advice For The Shy Introvert – Interacting With Women"

I hope that the last post has convinced you that you don’t need a personality transplant to attract women. Taking the simplest route is best for solving most problems.

That means being true to yourself while honing your confidence and social skills. Your life experiences have made you who you are right now. It’s far easier to work the confidence and social skills than to erase your identity and start over from scratch.

Here are more suggestions at how to beat your shyness and comfortably interact with women:
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"Improve Your Looks By At Least Two Points"

Believe it or not, you don’t have to have the good looks of a movie star to get women. Women are turned on more by masculine traits and personality rather than just looks alone. But this doesn’t mean you that you can let your appearance go. Maybe I am stating the obvious here, but there are guys out there who are clueless about looking after their personal appearance. I happen to know a few.

Here are a few suggestions that will improve you appearance: Read More >>>>


"How To Tell If A Girl Wants To Be Kissed"

The first kiss can be an big stumbling block for a lot of men. If you’re on a date, it’s expected. On the other hand the lady that you’re dating has never been kissed by you before.

How will she react? Will she pull away? Maybe she’ll think that you’re coming on too strong and you’ll scare her away. These and other similar thoughts are very common.

Some guys will opt for not dealing with the issue at all and won’t make any attempt. Others will ask for permission. Both are mistakes for two reasons:  Read More >>>>


"How to Attract a Girls Part2"

Continued from part 1.

External changes involve your degree of physical attractiveness. The clothes you wear have a strong effect on the impression that you make on other people. This is especially true with the impression that you make with a woman.

Another part of physical attractiveness is conveying the impression of being healthy and fit. Depending on your particular situation, this may involve a diet or a workout program. But other elements including your clothes, your posture, and how you move across a room also factor into this.  Read More >>>>

"How to Attract a Girls Part 1"

If you’re having trouble meeting women, is it possible to land girlfriends without having to make any changes to what you’re doing now? The short answer is probably not. Our lives pretty much continue going the way it always has unless we make a focused effort to change it. So it all starts with personal change. Depending on the individual, some will have to make more changes than others.

These changes will be internal and external. Some of the internal ones will have to do with overcoming fear. Fear of trying out new things. Fear of going out more often to unfamiliar places. And of coarse, the big one: the fear of rejection.

Fear is your greatest enemy because it subverts your efforts at improving your life. It’s only use is in keeping you away from life threatening situations or in preventing to you from actions that cause the loss of your income or the other assets that you have. Rejection by a woman will cause none of these things. No one has ever been maimed or killed by rejection. You won’t even lose your job or home. Read More>>>>

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