Friday, December 16, 2011

Datings Tips 2

 "Dating Tips 2"

Searching for a Partner in Your Social Circle.
Not every workplace is a very social environment, and many people long for a person with whom they share more of their private life. Besides, you also avoid the pitfalls of an on-the-job romance when you look to your social surroundings. After a breakup, many friendships fall apart, and your need for outside contacts drops off at first. In that case, the following principle for simplification goes especially for you: don't sit around and suffer -- do something; be active, not passive.
"Bar acquaintances - no, thank you. Dance clubs and trendy bars, the classic meeting places for people looking for a new partner, are the least suited to finding serious potential partners (and in the long term, it can get downright expensive). With the loud music, you can hardly have a conversation, and your possibilities have been preselected: you'll find few nonsmokers in a bar, as well as few early risers or health nuts." 
"Vacation romance - better not. It may sound cruel for us to discourage this. But the chances of meeting your life's partner on the beach or at the breakfast buffet at the hotel are slim. In these places, you meet people in that special vacation mood. Far away from home, the temptation to not be yourself is great. At a spa or under the tropical sun, good husbands suddenly become love-hungry singles and respectable wives discover their lust for adventure. On the other hand, there are no laws in love, only probabilities." 
"Everyday encounters - yes, please. It will serve you better to attend events you are interested in. Look around in community colleges, sports clubs, or church groups, where the desperate search for a partner isn't your main focus and the chances for making real contacts isn't so bad. Choose courses or programmes that don't take years to complete, so you can get to know a variety of people. Larger events where the participants belong to similar occupational or private areas are also very good, such as trade shows, openings and conferences." 
"Think against the grain. Attend gatherings where your gender is underrepresented: men in self-discovery groups, women in sports clubs and so on. Rediscover the other gender in yourself; put yourself on the 'other side'. If you are a man who can read a women's magazine, or a woman who can read a car magazine, without thinking everything in it is dumb, you have a giant advantage over your fellow partner-seekers!" 
"Use the official trick. An official function or position helps overcome shyness. Help out for a while serving refreshments at a large festival or greeting new arrivals with a name tag on your shirt. This makes it easier to meet people. Make sure that you're not trapped in your job the entire time, though. Once your shift is over, you have the ideal starting point for a conversation (eg, "you had such a nice laugh when I was pouring you that beer just now…"). Especially effective here is a uniform (that was always Grandpa's trick!)." 
"Find a wardrobe adviser. What should you wear? What looks the best on you? Women often misjudge what men find attractive about them and vice versa. Find people to advice you, but not only from your own gender. You will be amazed what the other side recommends! Use this seemingly paradoxical idea from behavioral therapy: nothing helps combat shyness so much as an eye-catching outfit." 
"Pay attention to your appearance. Another useful insight from behavioral psychology: stand up straight, make yourself tall (for women, high heels can help), hold your head turned slightly up and always breathe consciously and deeply. This way, your body sends a positive signal to your brain: "I am somebody." That has an immediate effect on your surroundings."

Simplifying Tip: If you are shy or nervous, you come off as much more serious than you think. But if you have to force yourself to seem cheerful, things can also go awry. So give others a friendly smile, as if you've already known and liked them a long time. Imagine that you've already had a pleasant and intimate conversation with the person you want to talk to. This way, you achieve exactly the right friendly, relaxed facial expression that makes conversation easier for both of you.

Dating Tips

 "Dating Tips"

Searching for a Partner at the Workplace.
"Widen your radius. Enlarge the circle of people with whom you interact. If youwork in a small company, use every opportunity to work outside the office. Visit in person business partners whom you usually only talk to on the phone. Your company could profit from this and the most important person of your life just might cross your path.If you work in a large firm, don't stay holed up in your division. Use the existinginfrastructure: go to continuing education classes, take on small office responsibilities (eg, distributing supplies, helping organise the company picnic, etc)." 
"Don't fall into the hierarchy trap. Flirt with a colleague rather than with your boss. Sticking to your own level ensures equality in the relationship, and in general that is good for love: you can be sure that the other person isn't just returning your signals because he or she hopes to get some career boost out of it. Also, in the case of a breakup, your job isn't in danger."
"Accept rejection. Really. If you ignore a clear refusal, you could be accused of sexual harassment in the workplace - legal action could follow." 
"Don't make a show of your relationship. Don't annoy your colleagues. Constantly dropping by, calling on the phone, or holding hands gets on other people's nerves as much as does that person who's always five minutes late to the meeting or the other who always yawns loudly all morning. Every task that goes unfinished because of your romance costs you empathy points." 
"Break up with dignity. The greatest dangers for your job aren't lurking during your office liaison, but after it! If the relationship falls apart, it's important that you both find your way back into your original colleague roles. Maintain mutual respect, and remain discreet. Don't vent your anger about your ex in front of your other colleagues, as tempting as it may be. Reduce your daily contact with your ex as much as you can. If you have to, have yourself transferred. The best distraction is to throw yourself into your work so your performance doesn't suffer."
Simplifying Tip: If you are shy or nervous, you come off as much more serious than you think. But if you have to force yourself to seem cheerful, things can also go awry. So give others a friendly smile, as if you've already known and liked them a long time. Imagine that you've already had a pleasant and intimate conversation with the person you want to talk to. This way, you achieve exactly the right friendly, relaxed facial expression that makes conversation easier for both of you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cure For Teeth-Yellowness


Sometimes when we smile with everyone and we see others teeth pure white and get embarrassed just because your teethes are yellow and feel bad while smiling with friends or other partner's so here are few cures or nuska or tip's for you guys to clean your teeth and make them pure white...

"Take 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of salt. Make a paste. Apply this on the yellowish tint."
"Use the inner white part of an orange peel to rub teeth for a lovely white shine. Fruits like apples, strawberries & pear bring out the sparkling pearly whiteness of teeth. Munch them or just use a slice to rub teeth."
"Take ½ teaspoon of soda bicarbonate (Eating Soda) mixed with a little water to form a paste. Rub this on your teeth."
"Chew crunchy carrots & celery leaves."
"Dried & powdered Bay leaves (Tej Patta) combined with dried orange peel is an excellent whitener."
"Dried & powdered Neem leaves may be used to clean teeth."

Enjoy and ya friends plzz don't forget to share our blog with your friends and on facebook :) 

Cure For Hair Fall

    "Hair Fall"

Love your hairs but they are falling everyday just like dead hairs... want to stop them to fall down and don't want to lose them then here is something for you just try it

"Apply olive oil at bedtime and wash off the hair the next morning. This method is very useful." 
"Indian gooseberry (Amla) oil, prepared by boiling dry pieces of Indian gooseberry (Amla) in coconut oil, is an excellent hair tonic."  
"Boil Henna leaves in mustard oil till they are burnt. Filter the oil. A regular massage of this oil is helpful."

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Magic Food Of Day1

"Magic Food"

It contains iron and Vitamin C. It is excellent for blood and skin. It also boosts digestion.

Best way to eat them is raw, early in the morning. You can try it as a chutney, pickle, murabba or in sun-dried form.

Cure For BlackHeads


Does it makes you look lil bit worst or a lot worst ya i know that whe you look in mirror you see something like small black spots on ur face and on nose well i got a cure for this blackheads it will help u lot try it :) but plzz share this blog wid your frnds tooo :)

"Mix 1 teaspoon lime juice with 1 teaspoon cinnamon (dalchini) powder and apply on the affected area frequently." 
"Mix 1 teaspoon each turmeric (haldi) powder and juice of fresh coriander (dhania) leaves and apply on the affected areas before going to sleep."

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cure For Dandruff

"Cure For Dandruff"

Sometimes when siting with your friends and you just give a hand in your hairs and u see dandruff is there it makes u feel embarrassed in front of your friends i know that that's why m providing you new nuska to remove dandruff from your permanently....

 "Pour 3-4 spoons of vinegar into the hair and massage into the scalp. Left to dry for a 15-20 minutes. Wash out the hairs. Repeat for few days until the dandruff disappears."

"Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair." 
"Massage your hair with warm coconut oil and apply the juice of 2 lemons, steam your hair and leave on oil for about 2 hours." 
"Shampoo with a mild shampoo. This should be done 2-3 times a week." 
"Soak 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leaver for ½ an hour. Wash with Shikakai or mild shampoo." 
"Using limejuice for washing hair is often beneficial." 
"The use of curd kept over 2 to 3 days, limejuice, cider, vinegar and Indian gooseberry (Amla) juice also helps to disperse dandruff."

Enlargement of Breast Naturally

"Breast Massage"

If you’re interested in discovering a way how to increase breast size without any surgery creams or expensive pills I might have something that will help you. Now this is not my field of expertise and I do not know all the science behind this I’m just passing on information hoping that it will help you.

This exercise is completely free and hands can be done in the privacy of your own home it will take around 15 minutes of your day as you will need to do this exercise twice a day. But I am told doing this regularly will increase your breast size and may help you avoid breast enlargement surgery or any other potentially harmful process.
The first thing you need to do is rub your hands together for around 15 seconds to create static electricity.

Secondly you will need to place your hands on the
top of your breasts and start to rub them down
between the nipples and down and around the
side of the breast so that you do a complete
circle of the nipple.I hope you got that . 

Each time you circled the nipple by Rubing should only take around 1.5 seconds and ideally you should be doing this is 200 – 300 times twice a day so it shouldn’t take up more than 15 minutes off your day.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Latest Trendz For Girls (Winters)

"Latest Trend took Center Stage For Girls"

Sporty trends took center stage at the fall 2011 runway shows, but the stylish ski gear hit a particularly high note. Sleek pieces like colorful knits, athletic-inspired leggings and shearling boots are the perfect additions to any winter wardrobe. Whether you're dressing for an apres ski cocktail hour or amping up the volume on your everyday look, slope style is definitely one to try out now.



Want to remove dark patches from your eyes want to remove dark circles then here we are with our new nuska to remove dark circles to make your eyes more beautifull then before

"Make a paste from 2 slice of cucumber and pinch of turmeric powder, apply on the spots for two hours."

"Make a paste from 2 spoons of tomato juice, 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice, a spoon of sandalwood powder and a 1/2 spoon of turmeric powder . Apply on spots for two hours."

"Drink tomato juice with a few mint leaves, little lemon juice & salt"

"Freeze grated cucumber & massage the grated cucumber ice cubes on the eyes."

Face Glow

         "Face Glow"

Sometimes When i see my Face into mirror i feel like There Is something is dull in me and that is my face face is the most attractive part of our body if it will be dull then your half of the beauty is dead ...... so here we are givin you some Fashionable nuske for face glow .....
These are used to reactivate your dead cell in your face to make your face healthy and glowy :)

"Smash raw potato in grinder. Massage your face with it for 10 minutes and keep the potato remain on the face for another minutes. There will a natural glow on the face."

"To prepare face mask smash bitter gourd (karela) and mix it up with besan and applyon face."

"Mix wheat flour with milk and honey to prepare a thick paste. Apply this paste on face for 15 minutes. This will clean up your face."

"Mix rose leaves with raw milk (Sponsored Product: Mother Dairy Milk) and apply on face. Face will start glowing."

"Soak Chana dal in milk for a night. Next morning grind the dal, mix little bit of haldi and apply on face for half an hour. Face will glow after this."

"To lesson aeging effects massage with smashed banana and then wash after half an hour."

"Mix 2-3 khajoor without seeds, tow spoons of milk, 5 drops of badam rogan and two spoon of chana flour. Apply this mixture on face to glow on it."

"Extract juice out of potato and mix it with multani mitti to prepare a thick paste. Applythis paste on face to get your face glowing."

"Mix jiuce of kheera with multani mitti to prepare a thick paste and apply it on face. The face will clean and glow."

Cure for Pimples

"Cure For Pimples"

Hate pimples on Your face don't love to see your face in mirror sometimes and feel embarrassed while going in front of your beloved one so here we are to give u new nuska (Tip) to remove pimples from your face permanently with homemade remedies.... But remember keep sharing our blog with your friends so we can give you more homemade remedies... well here is your cure for pimples

"Take three tablespoons of honey and one teaspoon of cinnamon powder(dalchini) And make there paste. Apply this paste on the pimples before sleeping and wash it next morning with warm water. If done daily for two weeks, it removes pimples from the root."

So apply it daily and make ur self more beautifull than before :) and don't forget to share the  blog with your friends too.. :)

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Cure For Over Weight


Want to lose Weight So here we are with some new nuska (home remedies) to lose over weights and less weights or u can say fat just try this :-

"Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder(dalchini) boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet."

Try it and Get Relief from Overweighted Problems just siting home only 

Thank You :)

"Lower The Better" Latest Trend for GIrls

         "Lower The Better"

The latest in fashion trends is the flesh-flashing trend which is the exposed skin between cropped top and hip-hugging jeans started by Mariah Carey cutting off the tops of her jeans and continued by Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera.

It is a season where everybody is showing off tummies and belly buttons and low-cut jeans are the jeans of the season. The look began several years ago with the popularity of belly-button piercing and the rise of midriff exposure. But as shirts crept up and midriffs became less shocking, the focus began shifting south.
The biggest advantage of the low-rise look is, it visually lengthens the torso and has a slimming effect. And, by picking a short or long top, women can control the amount of skin they bare. "With this belly-baring fashion gaining more popularity amongst pop diva's and stars, the fashion is likely to spread more rapidly coz women like to copy their role models" says Kabir, designer, who adds, "Low-rise is about an attitude and if you have the attitude to wear it, you can pull it off. It's about being sexy and really feeling sexy and feminine in a pair of jeans."

And with stores such as Levi's still filling racks with low-rise offerings, the lower belly is likely to make a continued appearance through fall and beyond.

However not all can carry off these fashion trends. Low cut can be hard to wear if you have a fleshy lower abdomen.' You can't have a lot hanging out,' says Nikita, model, 21, 'A little bit hanging over is cute, because women usually have a little bit of a paunch; they don't naturally have flat tummies. But you don't want stuff hanging over the sides.'

Women attempting the pelvic flash should remember that the look works much better when they're standing up. So, when sitting down, adjust yourself to be sure that your belly isn't drooping over the top of your low-slung pants.

Also, if you're going for the low-cut trend, consider it your duty to make an appointment for a bikini wax first.