Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Cure For Dandruff

"Cure For Dandruff"

Sometimes when siting with your friends and you just give a hand in your hairs and u see dandruff is there it makes u feel embarrassed in front of your friends i know that that's why m providing you new nuska to remove dandruff from your permanently....

 "Pour 3-4 spoons of vinegar into the hair and massage into the scalp. Left to dry for a 15-20 minutes. Wash out the hairs. Repeat for few days until the dandruff disappears."

"Boil a handful of neem leaves in 4 teacups of water. After cooling and filtering, use for rinsing hair." 
"Massage your hair with warm coconut oil and apply the juice of 2 lemons, steam your hair and leave on oil for about 2 hours." 
"Shampoo with a mild shampoo. This should be done 2-3 times a week." 
"Soak 2 tablespoons fenugreek seeds (methi dana) in water overnight. In the morning grind into a fine paste. Apply all over scalp and leaver for ½ an hour. Wash with Shikakai or mild shampoo." 
"Using limejuice for washing hair is often beneficial." 
"The use of curd kept over 2 to 3 days, limejuice, cider, vinegar and Indian gooseberry (Amla) juice also helps to disperse dandruff."

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