Sunday, December 18, 2011

How to Attract a Girls Part2

"How to Attract a Girls Part2"

Continued from part 1.

External changes involve your degree of physical attractiveness. The clothes you wear have a strong effect on the impression that you make on other people. This is especially true with the impression that you make with a woman.

Another part of physical attractiveness is conveying the impression of being healthy and fit. Depending on your particular situation, this may involve a diet or a workout program. But other elements including your clothes, your posture, and how you move across a room also factor into this.

Now I haven’t mentioned ‘good looks’ or being very handsome for two reasons. First, it isn’t something that you can change (short of plastic surgery). Second, being attractive to women has more to do with “maleness” or being a man. So having a pretty face can help but it’s not needed.

As you well know, men are instinctually attracted to women who are masters of the art of projecting “femaleness”. Their sexiness is more than body proportions alone. It’s their clothing, how they walk, their behavior. It’s curves and softness. All of this adds up to femaleness and the more “female” they are, the more irresistible they are to men.

So it shouldn’t come as a surprise, that the same principle applies to what women find attractive in a man. The greater your mastery of projecting “maleness”, the more attractive you will be to women. So many guys fail to grasp this one simple fact. Women want men. Not boys or guys with feminine attributes.

Guys with feminine attributes, and I mean behavioral, will only succeed at becoming a friend. Men can be nice to women but it’s all in how you do it. This sounds a bit corny, but it is all about being a man. Looking and acting the part. Or I should say it’s looking and being the part.

Men are supposed to be confident, strong, and independent. They are decisive and take action. They’re supposed to know what to do. They make things happen. They are powerful.

These are the qualities that women instinctually respond to. This is what causes the primitive animal attraction or chemistry within a woman. Evolution has wired this into them.

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