Thursday, December 22, 2011

How To Make A Girl Laugh

"How To Make A Girl Laugh"

Humor is the best way to break the ice when meeting someone for the first time. This is especially true with meeting women. It is the fast track to warming her up.

After that first laugh, any apprehension she may have is gone in a split second. I like to use humor as an ice breaker and try not to force or over do it.

You can try jokes and if they’re appropriate for the situation they can be very effective. I tend to favor situational humor where I’ll just say something on the spot that is playful or makes fun of a situation. Using situational humor means you won’t have worry about memorizing jokes and trying to deliver them right.

So how do you do this? For starters it helps if you’ve always been a smart aleck or wise guy in the first place. If you’ve always been trading wise cracks with your friends, then it’s just a matter of adapting the humor for women.

With women playful silliness or a confident cockiness that is silly in some way works wonders. The facial expression and body language you use all depends on what you’re saying to her.

I once strutted up to a girl, all puffed up and with the toughest look I could manage on my face I said: “I’m a BAAAAD BOY!”. She had a hard time stopping her laughter. She knew I was just being silly and was putting on the performance for her benefit.

I’ve only done that once because each situation is different and you’re always saying something specific for the situation. Sometimes I can get laughter with a straight dead pan look on my face.

You can develop a knack for this type of humor by soaking up as much stand up comedy on television as you can. You’re not trying to memorize anything, instead you want to saturate yourself with this type of humor. Your subconscious will soak it up and before you know it you’ll find yourself blurting out funny things.

It usually doesn’t happen unless you’re feeling happy and confident. You should also hold the attitude that people are fun.

A few rules:

1.) Don’t make fun of her or of anything that might be important to her.

2.) Never force it. It has to be spontaneous and natural. Your humor should flow.

3.) Don’t be discouraged if some women don’t think you’re funny. Different people react differently. There’s some trial and error to this and it’ll take some time to learn.

4.) Don’t laugh at your own humor. It will wreck the delivery.

5.) Don’t use humor as a substitute for genuinely relating to people. Too much of anything is bad.

6.) There are many ways of expressing humor. Choose a style that’s a good match for your personality.

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