Friday, December 23, 2011

Where To Meet Women – Five Places

"Where To Meet Women – Five Places"

Bars, nightclubs, and parties have a bad reputation for a lot of men and women alike. The atmosphere is loud and harsh. Alcohol is flowing and people are drunk.

Women have their defenses dialed all the way up. How are they to know that you aren’t just another low life pick up artist? Their suspicions and defenses are justified because many losers set up shop in these kinds of places.

Here are some alternatives with a relaxed setting where women have their guard down:

1.) Bookstores. A Bookstore is a great non-threatening spot to meet women. Unlike the loud, smoke filled, alcohol laden bar, a bookstore is a pleasant cozy place.

Bookstores have narrow aisles allowing you to get within close proximity of women without setting off defensive alarms. At any point you can switch from researching books to researching women and back again.

A great benefit to bookstores is that a woman’s interests are as transparent as the title of the book she’s holding or name of the aisle that she’s browsing in. Want to meet women that share your particular interests? Just hang around the book aisles or magazine racks that interest you. Women browsing in these places will have the same interest.

Want to do some field research into what topics are most popular with women? Just find the spots in the store that have the most women browsers.

Perhaps the best bookstores of all are a combination bookstore and coffee shop. After chatting it up with someone in front of a magazine rack, you can ask if she’d like a coffee and you’ve now progressed on to your first ‘date’.

2.) Dog Parks (or any park that people walk their dogs). Own a dog? If you do and you really love dogs, then you have a place to meet women (the park), an approach strategy (let your dog approach the girls dog), and something in common to talk about (take a guess).

Women are attracted to men that love animals, because to them it probably means that you’re good with kids which makes you good father material. Getting married and having kids may be the last thing on a woman’s mind, but never the less she will find you more attractive. This attraction operates on a subconscious level.

3.) Any place that involves a lot of waiting. A good example of such a place is the DMV. The waiting can last for hours and chat of any kind is a welcome relief from the boredom. Because of the long waiting times, there is ample opportunity to get to know a woman very well.

4.) At a gym. This is your chance to show off your athletic body and to allow it to do some of the ‘selling’ for you. Gyms are great because the women you meet there frequent it on a regular basis. Because she’s already seen you there several times before, she’s already familiar with you. This makes approaching her a great deal easier.

5.) At work. If your reason for being unattached is the long hours that you put into your job, then perhaps that special someone is a coworker a few cubicles down who’s also putting in long hours. Think about it, it’s late and it’s just you and her without the usual day time distractions.

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