Friday, December 23, 2011

Talking To A Girl – What To Do If Your Mind Goes Blank

"Talking To A Girl – What To Do If Your Mind Goes Blank"

For most guys, there will be times when in the course of a conversation with a girl, the topic being discussed comes to an end and they can’t think of what to say next.

It isn’t because there’s nothing left to say, it’s because they’re temporarily stuck. If they had a little more time they could get unstuck but the girl is standing there waiting.

The pressure is on and something has to be said now! If you allow the conversation to end awkwardly, you’ll probably kill any chances of generating attraction with her. So what do you say?

When this happens you should tell an interesting or funny personal story. We’ve all been captivated by someone who has a really good story to tell. Story telling is used a lot by the news media.

Most news pieces start with a story of how an event has affected someone personally. This is a standard technique and it’s used because it works.

The idea is to have a lot stories about yourself as the main character. You can use these to get through those moments when your mind suddenly goes blank. These stories should have been thought about and even practiced on people well in advance.

Everyone who has a life has encountered plenty of odd and humorous situations that can be elaborated on. Since these stories revolve around real things that have happened to you they are a reflection of your activities, interests, and life experiences. The stories that you tell her should revolve round things that you both have in common.

If personal story telling isn’t a normal part of your conversation, then you’ll need to start practicing on the people you normally interact with. Like humor, how it’s delivered is as important as the story itself. When engaging in small talk with strangers, try throwing in a story or two.

With enough practice storytelling should be a natural reflex. It’ll get easier to tell stories that naturally relate to whatever is being discussed.

You’ll find that some stories generate more interest and laughter than others. It’s ok to use a story more than once as long as you’re telling it to a different person. Don’t try to base your conversation completely on storytelling, because it can get tiresome if used too much. You’ll also use them up quickly and there will be nothing left for emergencies when your brain decides to blank out again.

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