Thursday, December 22, 2011

How To Be A Flirt – It’s All In Your Attitude

"How To Be A Flirt – It’s All In Your Attitude"

If you’re constantly telling yourself that you need to learn how to talk to girls, you’re approaching the problem the hard way. In fact, viewing it as a problem that has to be overcome will turn it into internal battle with yourself.

The harder you try to start a conversation with a girl, the more tense and nervous you’ll get. You might get the words out ok but the girl will immediately pick up on your nervousness and if she’s a stranger, it probably won’t turn out well.

A better way is not to take it seriously at all but instead look at it as being an exciting and fun game. Rather than telling yourself that you just got to figure out how to talk with girls, tell yourself that you’re going to learn how to be a really great flirt. See the difference? The second way is more empowering. It’s ambitious. Ambition is good.

Think of this as a fun new hobby. Because it’s a new hobby, you’ll realize that you won’t get proficient in a day but willGRADUALLY get better with practice. You’ll be practicing on strangers that you meet whether at the store, mall, or at social occasions.

When you do this you won’t care about the outcome one way or the other because it’s just a game and it’s with strangers that you’ll never see again anyway. As long as your behavior isn’t outrageous or insulting, no harm is done either to you or the girl. It’s just harmless fun. Repeat that sentence to yourself as often as necessary: It’s just harmless fun.

When you get a girl to laugh and talk with you, it will be intoxicating. Believe me, it will lift your spirits like nothing else can. After that first success, you’ll want to do it again, maybe with the same girl or maybe with someone else.

Remember to inject fun and playfulness into your interactions. Flirting is playful behavior intended to arouse sexual interest. Don’t worry about the sexual interest part, just focus on the playfulness.

There’s another benefit to playful, humorous flirtation: it not only makes you desirable to the girl that you’re flirting with, it also elevates your status among the other women who may be watching. This is called social validation. These women see that another woman is enjoying your company. So in their minds, you must be a fun and interesting guy.

Good flirts make other people feel special and enjoy doing it. It builds confidence, can make you a lot of friends and is a playful way to safely test the waters when it comes to romance.

It’s important that all of your focus should be on making the girl respond in a good way. Absolutely none of your focus should be self conscious. Always keep your mind directed outward to the girl. Remember that if you can make others feel good, you will feel good.

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