Thursday, December 22, 2011

How To Tell If A Woman Likes You

"How To Tell If A Woman Likes You"

In the mating game, men are expected to approach the girl. Given that a lot of women are already in relationships, how are we to know who to approach? The answer is that we should approach anyone that we have an interest in and be social.

If you’ve been practicing your social skills and have made it a habit of talking to new people, then there’s no reason why you can’t approach a girl just to be social. But how can you tell if a girl likes you? The answer is that when you’re talking to her you should be looking for signs of sexual interest in her body language.

If her body language tells you nothing, then your interaction with her remains strictly social. If her body is giving you clear signals that she’s sexually interested, you’ve got a green light to swing into action. Some women use body language deliberately, others aren’t even aware that their bodies are giving away their feelings of attraction.

Here are some signs that she’s attracted to you:

1.) She throws her hair over her shoulders and shows off her neck. This is called the head toss.

2.) She moves her fingers through her hair.

3.) She looks into your eyes with deep interest. Look for lengthy eye contact during conversation.

4.) Her eyes look down at your lips and lingers there.

5.) She blinks a lot and flutters her eyelashes while talking to you.

6.) If she’s shy she’ll get all nervous when you look at her.

7.) A big smile with a relaxed face that shows her teeth. Her eyes should be ‘smiling’ too.

8.) She bumps into you and ‘accidentally’ touches you.

9.) Her brows slightly lift and her eyes widen upon noticing your presence. You should also look for dilated pupils.

10.) Mirroring is likewise a great giveaway. When she unconsciously mimics your body language or your mood, she is mirroring. Other things she may mirror include the rhythm, loudness and tone of your speech.

Other signs of interest that aren’t strictly body language:

11.) She compliments you. Any compliment no matter how indirect is meaningful.

12.) She uses the word “you” a lot in her sentences. She is speaking in the second person which is a more intimate way to communicate.

13.) She closes her sentences with a question that asks for agreement or approval. This is an attempt engage you further into the conversation.

14.) She smiles and laughs at any attempt at humor, even jokes that are totally not funny.

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